Saturday, 4 May 2013

The First One

I could say a thousand senseless things, or a couple of meaningful ones. Either way, in the first read you are probably going to wonder whether one more blog by an average, almost-out-of-her-teens female is worth the time or the effort. That, while it may be my interest, it isn't my prerogative. As is the case with most bloggers, I'm writing for the purpose of writing, to put down the words that tend to float on endlessly in my head.

Alright, enough of sounding somewhat pretentious. First blog post, so a bit of an introduction seems mandatory, right? I'm Farheen, from Gujarat, India. As of today, I'm 19 and about to start my final year to get my BA degree in English Literature. Clearly then, I have an intense love for language and literature, to an extent, even for academics. The idea of sitting in a classroom debating theories with a skilled professor really appeals to me, strange as that may sound.

Other than academics, I volunteer with a couple of NGOs involved with classical music and youth development. Turns out, I just really like talking and debating a lot, and I care about social issues (if that was lost somewhere), so this becomes a good outlet. It is also a good channel for my film-making interests.

At a personal level, I am a socially awkward, unusually skinny kid who loves music and TV and books and Twitter and FOOD. Food, did I mention, is often the driving force behind most of my activities. I tend to stick to my friends more than my family, and I'm a lost cause when it comes to relationships. More on that later!

What do I plan to do with this blog? I don't have a particular plan or agenda fixed in my mind on how this will progress, but I do know that this should be an interesting place to read and write at.

Adios for now, see you soon!


  1. And the skinniest of the people tend to eat the most. What a pity it is, that we just don't gain the weight :)
    Welcome to blogging Farheen. Looking forward to reading more of your work :)

    1. First comment, #SkinnyLove
      Thank you so much, I can't wait to write more. :)

  2. And we happen to be from the same college. Finally there is someone from ahmedabad who is into blogging :)

    1. Haha yes, in fact i've wanted to do this for a really long time, sadly just got around to starting now! But there are a couple of people from your batch who are serious bloggers!
